Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR)

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Bringing the benefits of carbon and energy reporting to more businesses through SECR.

The aim of the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) legislation was to encourage the implementation of energy efficiency measures and to bring visibility of carbon performance alongside financial performance reporting.

SECR was introduced in 2019 as mandatory legislation to replace the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Scheme.  

The requirements

Obligated companies must report and submit the following to Companies House annually; 
  • energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions within their financial accounts for Companies House, and

  • energy efficiency measures and emissions, with reference to an intensity metric, e.g., tonnes of CO2e/£m sales revenue.

Businesses successfully meeting SECR obligations all feed into the collective effort to decarbonise the UK power system, driving the change required to reduce effects of climate change. 

Currently SECR includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and reporting on Scope 3 (value chain emissions) is voluntary under the current framework (Scope 3 accounts for 80-95% of the total value chain of an organisation’s footprint).  

The UK consultation which closed at the end of 2023. UK greenhouse gas emissions reporting: Scope 3 emissions, explored the current SECR framework to inform a Post-Implementation Review of the policy. Considering this, it is possible the current SECR framework could be strengthened, encouraging businesses to consider their complete organisation footprint. 

Read more!

Are you obligated for SECR?

SECR applies to quoted companies of any size. Limited liability partnerships and UK incorporated unquoted companies must also comply with the legislation if they meet two or more of the qualification criteria:
  • 250 or more employees,
  • Turnover in excess of £36 million, or
  • Balance sheet in excess of £18 million.
* Organisations using less than 40,000 kWh per annum will not be required to report

Speak to our team and receive a proposal!

Beyondly deliver full compliance management

  • Confirmation of obligation

    Work with our solutions team to analyse your financial performance to assess if you are required to comply with SECR. 

  • Data collection

    Our delivery team will outline the key data requirements for SECR specific to your organisation and provide you with resources to help you collate the necessary data.

  • Energy reporting and emissions quantification

    Working with the data you provide we will complete all necessary GHG calculations for you to comply with SECR.  

  • Preparation of annual SECR report

    Beyondly will provide supporting analysis of energy consumption and emissions.

  • Provision of audit

    People looking at computer and documents. One pointing one with pen in their hand.

    If required, Beyondly can share insights with your financial auditors to explain carbon emission results. 

  • Confirmation of compliance

    Sun shining through trees

    Training and verification support also available if required. 

Frequently asked questions

Disclosure is not required if the entity consumed 40,000 kWh of energy or less during the reporting period. 


We provide tailored virtual training sessions for SECR covering the GHG protocol, data collection, carbon emission calculations, and carbon footprint reporting writing in order to equip your organisation with all the tools to meet your carbon reporting requirements.  


In order to verify your carbon footprint or SECR calculations, we can:  

  • Verify total energy consumption against evidential records
  • Check calculations of Green House Gas emissions in line with the approved GHG protocol standard/SECR guidelines and published emissions factors in scope
  • Check methodology and make suggestions of improvements where required 
  • Examine the final report to ensure all elements are correct and included. 
Man stood near windmills, on a hilltop wearing PPE and holding a clipboard