Product Carbon Footprints

Gain data to power environmental claims

Meet the growing demand from wider supply chain and stakeholders for environmental product and packaging data.

Let our Resource Efficiency and Circularity team measure the carbon and environmental impact of your service, product, or packaging. Beyondly’s data driven Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) services support businesses to quantify their impact and gain confidence towards environmental declarations and product development.


What is a Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)?

A PCF measures the embodied carbon or greenhouse gas emissions associated with a service, product, or packaging across its life cycle.

What is a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

An LCA measures carbon and a range of environmental impacts of a service, product, or packaging throughout its life cycle from raw material, production, distribution, use and end-of-life.

Beyondly deliver LCA & PCFs in compliance with ISO1044, 14040 & 14067 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.

We have helped clients across packaging, consumer goods, food systems and construction products across global supply chains.

Speak to our team!

LCA and PCF models

Depending on the scope of your project, LCAs and PCFs can be completed to measure different parts of the life cycle:

  • Cradle to Gate – environmental impact associated with extraction of raw materials, distribution, and production. Essentially the environmental impact associated with getting the product to the factory gate ready for transport.
  • Cradle to Grave refers to the total environmental impact from across the whole life cycle with extraction of materials, product, distribution, product use and finally disposal at end of life.

Completing a product footprint with Beyondly

Project kick off

In the project kick off, we will work with you to define the goal and scope of of your LCA. Meet your dedicated consultant and work with them to establish business and project goals & principles, define the project scope, system boundaries and confirm methodologies.

Build your LCA inventory

Work with your consultant to gather data across all product inputs and outputs e.g., raw materials, energy, water, or emissions. This can often be the longest part of the process and can sometimes involve collaboration with teams internally and the wider supply chain. 


Data validation and review

Once the data has been collected Beyondly’s team will review the completeness and accuracy, performing any required calculations. Utilising secondary data sourced from Ecoinvent 3.10 to fill data gaps and benchmarking project progress.

Modelling Calculation

Beyondly’s team will build the LCA model using the Umberto software, calculating inventory results.

Results and reporting

Your consultant will write up the results into an accessible report and presentation, identifying hotspots from across the life cycle that have the biggest impact. Following an internal critical review and critical analysis Beyondly will also provide recommendations and suggest improvements.


Where required third party verification – external review and analysis where you wish to publish LCA results. 

People looking at computer and documents. One pointing one with pen in their hand.
Packaging Refill

Product footprints: a fundamental tool for business

In an era where environmental sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, PCF’s will become an integral part of understanding and managing the environmental impact of products to meet environmental legislation.

The benefits of a product footprint

  • Enhancing your data can inform strategic business decisions, allowing for the substantiation of green claims, by providing in-depth, comprehensive results to share with your customer.
  • Hotspot analysis to support the research & development of products and justify design decision making across the whole product, packaging and service supply chain.
  • Strengthen your company's sustainability credentials, improving relationships with stakeholders.
  • Supports accurate calculation of wider scope 3 emissions considering the whole value chain.
Illustration - Someone making announcement with a megaphone

Discuss a Product Carbon Footprint with our team today!