At Beyondly, we take action every day to contribute to the reduction of our environmental impact.
Supported the Surfers Against Sewage 1 million mile clean
Qualified Climate Fresk Facilitators within the team
Launched bi-annual clothes share scheme
Successful community WEEE recycling projects
With guidance from our internal waste experts we track our office waste, weighing volumes weekly and completing annual waste training for the team.
Host a battery collection point for employees and the community, helping to reduce contamination within residual waste streams and increase battery recycling rates.
Launched bi-annual clothes share event to help give our wardrobes a new lease of life and prevent waste. During our last event, 25 items of clothing were swapped!
Alongside local schools and our wider community, we carried out several electrical recycling projects.
Waste Management
Carbon & Energy Management
Made the move to a Net Zero office. To support our journey to net zero, in 2022 we moved to a new office which we fitted with a ground source heat pump, saving us approximately 12.4t CO2e a year.
All lighting in our office are LEDs with retrofitted sensors in areas not in frequent use, to maximise energy efficiency.
Invested in a company EV pool car for all external business travel e.g., client visits, conference attendance. Annually this saves roughly 2 tCO2e a year.
Introduced an employee car share policy, which has helped to reduce emissions from employee commuting. In 2022, 2,362 miles were shared saving 0.65 tCO2e.
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