Emma’s Journey at Beyondly

Policy Leader


  • BSc Geography degree
  • MRes Environmental Geoscience degree
  • Associate IEMA membership
  • Currently working towards Practitioner IEMA membership, & Associate CIWM membership

I have been proactive in my career development at Beyondly. I took part in an internal careers training session which helped me to understand my super strengths and values. Identifying these areas helped me to have the confidence to put myself forward for the following areas; health & wellbeing champion, net zero champion, and policy champion. It was becoming a Policy Champion that led me to my current job as Regulatory Affairs Leader, as I had expressed interest in this area of the business.

I kept volunteering for and pushing myself to do things that felt out of my comfort zone or challenging – it is this uncomfortable space where you grow and learn! This included things like delivering webinars to our member base or partner member base, chairing company meetings, and chairing the Packaging Scheme Forum! I have gained so much confidence and become more comfortable in these previously challenging situations.

I maintain close relationships with colleagues who are at a similar level of experience and job role as me, so that we can share experiences, advice, and inspiration. This helps us to keep each other accountable to our development goals. Additionally, I seek advice from colleagues who have achieved things that I am striving for, such as IEMA membership, to gain valuable insights and access to useful resources.

I set regular development goals with my line manager and I speak openly with them about my career aspiration and goals, as this is another place to get advice and inspiration! I requested a career mentor to develop a specific skill and overcome challenges in my role, which was successful. This was also a great way to stay accountable to my goals.