Author: Wayne Grant
Published: 18-07-2019

New plastic recycling guidance document from WRAP

WRAP is a registered charity that works with businesses, individuals and communities campaigning for a circular economy through helping them reduce waste, develop sustainable products and use resources in an efficient way

WRAP lead the way in establishing the facts, getting the right people working together and then implementing the ideas into action. The sectors deemed as ‘priority sectors’, where WRAP feel like they can make the biggest difference are, Food and Drink, Clothing and Textiles and Plastics.

New guidance: Defining what’s recyclable and best in class polymer choices for packaging

What packaging is recyclable? What is the best in class polymer for your packaging? WRAP published a new guidance document on 16 July providing further guidance on the UK’s vision of what class polymer should be used for packaging of household goods. The document outlines which plastics are currently considered recyclable and covers household rigid plastic packaging such as:

  • Milk bottles
  • Bottles (food and drink)
  • Bottles (non-food or drink)
  • Pots, tubs and trays (food and drink)
  • Pots, tubs trays (non-food or drink)

Comply Direct recommend that packaging producers and manufacturers download this guidance document using the link below and adopt the principles for your products/packaging where possible. This will hopefully help reduce the range of packaging polymer types being placed on the market and increase polymer usage that are more easily recycled in practise.

Download the document here -