Author: Emily Baker
Published: 04-10-2022

Net Zero Review: Government Call for Evidence

On 29 September, the government launched an independent review, calling for evidence on their approach to achieving the UK net zero target. A particularly short timescale for this has been provided with a deadline of 27 October to provide your views.

Achieving the National Net Zero Target will involve collaboration across business, the public sector and the general public and the outcome will impact consumers, employees, and businesses alike. Therefore it is important the target is achieved in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth which will incentivise the transition.

The review aims to consider how the approach to net zero can:

  • Achieve maximum economic growth and investment, driving opportunities for private, jobs, innovation, exports, growth right across the UK
  • Support UK energy security and affordability for consumers and business and the need to rapidly increase and strengthen UK energy production and supply
  • Minimise costs borne by businesses and consumers, particularly in the short-term

The review aims to engage with a variety of stakeholders, interested groups and individuals across the population, to understand how the transition to net zero can be best delivered. In response to this, the government are committed to include a range of themed roundtables with businesses, industry, communities, local government, and non-government groups to collect a broad range of views.

The call for evidence will provide an open channel to the general public, allowing them to give their views on the transition, in particular giving a voice to the public and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

You can read the full details and access the questions, both overarching (for all) and questions specific to stakeholders groups on the government website here.

SURVEY CLOSED! Should you wish to have your views fed into our response, please complete our short survey, Click here.

Should you have any questions, or wish to kick-start your own journey to net zero, contact our solutions team on or call 01756 794 951