Author: Katie Smith
Published: 20-03-2023

Customer Focus: Janus International Europe Ltd

Sun shining through trees


Janus International Europe Ltd have been a loyal packaging member at Beyondly since 2019, extending to other Beyondly services within our environmental consultancy offering, including carbon and resource efficiency.

The Opportunity

The team at Janus contacted Beyondly looking to optimise packaging and increase resource efficiency. Firstly, our resource efficiency team visited Janus’ manufacturing site in Peterlee, Durham to identify opportunities for support and outline a potential strategy for action. The Beyondly team drew up a report with eight key areas of focus to outline where Janus could measure progress and take further action, one of which was Zero Waste to Landfill Certification. 

Janus are incredibly environmentally conscious and already track their internal waste streams, working towards minimising material waste during manufacturing processes and from suppliers through packaging takebacks. The new project focused on certifying Zero Waste to Landfill but also measuring the carbon benefits of Janus’ reuse and recycling projects.

The Solution

Beyondly began by identifying all potential waste streams and contacting Janus’ waste providers to confirm end-of-life status, other waste information and volumes for a 12-month period of Janus’ choice. Once the information was compiled into a dedicated waste tracker, Beyondly confirmed the material composition of waste arisings per week and per employee to identify waste hotspots and high impact materials. Similarly, the treatment method data collection process confirmed 99.59% of Janus’ waste was diverted from landfill, with over 3/4 of waste recycled.

Waste practices were reviewed alongside key material streams against the waste hierarchy to outline recommendations for short, medium, and long-term actions. This ranged from reviewing waste providers, internal waste employee optimisation programmes, plastic characterisation projects and Energy from Waste reductions schemes. To support Janus’ packaging reuse, Beyondly calculated the carbon dioxide equivalent savings using DEFRA conversion factors of the reuse of high-quality packaging components such as pallets, inner carboard coils and plastic coil protectors instead of landfill. For example, it was estimated that annually Janus save approximately 95 T CO2e through flat pallet reuse opposed to landfill.

The Results

Beyondly will continue to support Janus where required to achieve further waste goals, implementation of internal waste policies and target problematic material streams.

Meeting discussion through glass with reflection

Janus' thoughts

“A truly exceptional team who I would recommend any business to for sustainability, circularity and decarbonisation project support”.

Environmental & Compliance (ESG) Manager from Janus International Europe Ltd.