Author: Melanie Harper
Published: 21-03-2019

ESOS Phase 2 - the compliance deadline is nearing...

The qualification deadline date for Phase 2 of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme has now passed (31 December 2018) so it is key that obligated companies make a start on the pathway to compliance for Phase 2 in order to meet the compliance deadline of 5 December 2019

If your organisation qualifies for ESOS Phase 2 compliance you are now able to begin the compliance process.

Discover more about ESOS and how you can turn mandatory compliance into a real cost saving opportunity for your organisation.

Who is obligated?

A UK organisation is obligated to comply with ESOS if on the qualification date for a given ESOS Phase* it either:

  • employs 250 or more people, or
  • has an annual turnover in excess of €50 million (£44,845,000 Phase 2*), and an annual balance sheet total in excess of €43 million (£38,566,700 Phase 2*), or
  • an overseas company with a UK registered establishment which has 250 or more UK employees (paying income tax in the UK)

*The confirmed exchange rate from Euros to Sterling for ESOS Phase 2

NB: “balance sheet total” means the aggregate of the amounts shown as assets in the company’s balance sheet (that is before deducting both current and long-term liabilities). Therefore it is the gross figure, not the net figure.

Benefits of being compliant

Apart from the obvious, implementation of any energy saving opportunities identified in the audit could lead to significant energy efficiency savings and therefore, financial benefits.

Case study - Regatta Ltd

Click below to discover how we we supported leading outdoor clothing brand Regatta achieve full ESOS compliance in a hassle-free and cost effective manner, whilst identifying tangible, feasible opportunites for Regatta to make energy and cost savings...

View the case study here


FREE webinar: The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Phase 2 Explained

Tuesday 2 April at 10am

We will be joined by our partner The British Toy and Hobby Association (BTHA) for this ESOS Phase 2 webinar who will provide an overview on BTHA and the support they can provide companies in the toy industry with regarding ESOS and other areas of compliance.

During this webinar we will provide thorough information covering what ESOS Phase 2 is, which businesses are affected by the legislation and how obligated companies can become compliant. We will also share details on the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework as many ESOS obligated companies will need to comply with this initiative too. Finally, we will explain the benefits ESOS and SECR can furnish your business with.


Don't get caught out, act now to avoid maximum fines

The Environment Agency found around 500 organisations that qualified for ESOS in Phase 1 but were not compliant. Over 300 enforcement notifications have been sent out to date, with more to come. Civil penalty proceedings have now been commenced against a number of non-compliant organisations. If you think you may need to ensure compliance with ESOS or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our energy experts.