COVID-19 support for electrical waste recyclers: Loans available from the WEEE Fund

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Fund (WEEE Fund) has unveiled financial support in excess of £5 million for Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs), to assist them in remaining operational whilst in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

This resource is the WEEE Fund’s “WEEE Support Grants and Loans Package” and will specifically provide £5 million of interest free loans to electrical waste treatment facilities (registered AATFs) and £600,000 of grants to charity sector reuse organisations.

AATFs can apply for funding by emailing the WEEE Fund directly to request an application form and associated documents at, and the application process for grants will be confirmed shortly.

The package comes as a result of COVID-19 impacts on the WEEE sector; a reduction in electrical waste collections due to many household recycling centre closures has led to a consequence of considerable restrictions in the overall flow of WEEE recycling and reuse. Therefore, the funding is aimed at supporting the UK WEEE recycling system in ensuring it can continue effectively during this difficult time.

In response to the WEEE Fund’s announcement, Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said:

“Right across the waste sector, I’m hugely grateful to the enormous effort being put in to keep crucial services running; and in such unprecedented times I understand the pressure the industry is under…This fund will help the sector to weather the effects of the coronavirus outbreak. Crucially it will also enable people to do the right thing and recycle more as we move towards a more circular economy.”

Application for funding is open now and will close at the end of May 2020. Please note, loans are available to all registered commercial AATFs based on the evidence they issued for the treatment they undertook in 2019.

AATFs can apply by requesting the application form and associated documents by emailing