Consultation launch: Waste Prevention Programme for England

Today (18 March 2021), and aptly on World Recycling Day, The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has published a consultation on a new waste reduction plan for England to set out rules for the country to work ‘towards a resource efficient economy’

The aim of this consultation is to implement a revised Waste Prevention Programme which is aligned with the Resources and Waste Strategy and supports in achieving the strategy’s overarching objectives of maximising resource value, minimising waste and its environmental impact, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the country’s natural resource security.

The plan will detail actions for England to manage resources and waste in line with the waste hierarchy; aiming to prevent waste by driving reuse, repair and re-manufacturing of goods.

DEFRA are seeking views on this proposed programme from all parties interested in the Resources and Waste Strategy goals mentioned above and the consultation provides respondents with opportunity to comment on government’s approach to waste prevention, whether the appropriate priority areas for action have been identified and on the actions the government proposes to take.

You can view full consultation details and provide a response to government HERE. The consultation will close on 10 June 2021.

The plan is centered around a number of key sectors, identified based on having the most significant waste tonnages, carbon emissions and public interest. These sectors are, construction, textiles, furniture, electronics, vehicles, food, and plastic packaging.

There are 11 proposed waste reduction methods / options in the consultation which DEFRA are gathering opinions on; these are listed as follows and each area has a dedicated chapter in the full consultation document linked HERE

  • Designing out waste: Ecodesign, Extended Producer Responsibility and Consumer Information
  • Reuse, Repair, Refill, Remanufacture: Local services and facilities
  • Data and Information
  • Construction*
  • Textiles*
  • Furniture*
  • Electrical and Electronic Products
  • Road Vehicles
  • Packaging, Plastics and Single-use Items
  • Food
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

*Potential Extended Producer Responsibility schemes are discussed in the consultation document for these areas.

The above diagram summarises the government's proposed approach to waste prevention (content taken from the full consultation document).

If you have any queries about the content of this consultation, please contact and our policy team will be happy to advise.

We will be supporting our valued members with consultation responses, so please do get in touch with your account manager directly or on the consultation email above if this is something you would like to benefit from.