Author: Emily Baker
Published: 13-02-2023

BSI launch parallel consultations to ‘refocus’ ESOS

On 28 July 2022, The Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) provided a response to the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) consultation, which first launched in 2021. In acknowledgement of this, the Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) outlined their suggestions for change for Phase 4 of the scheme, to refocus the scheme to encompass both energy efficiency and net zero.

Working alongside BSI (British Standards Institute), the Government Response has outlined BEIS intentions to produce a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) which sets out the requirements for carrying out an energy and net zero assessment. In addition to this, they will also be looking to revise the current PAS 51215: 2014 to set out the additional net zero competency requirements specifically for lead assessors. Both standards are being developed in parallel and as part of this process a consultation for each has been launched (6 February 2023).

The two BSI Public consultations, PAS51215-1 (Energy and net zero assessment- Process – Specification) and PAS 51215-2 (Energy and net zero assessment – Competencies of lead assessors and assessment teams – Specification), both play a significant role in shaping compliance with ESOS and will run for 6 weeks until the 20 March 2023. This opportunity gives business the chance to review and comment on the draft standards before they are finalised.

You can access and respond to both consultations on the BSI website, links provided below;

PAS 51215-1, Energy and net zero assessment – Process – Specification

Specifies requirements for the process of conducting an energy and net zero assessment, as well as the output of such an assessment.

PAS 51215-2, Energy and net zero assessment – Competencies of lead assessors and assessment teams – Specification

Specifies the competencies necessary for a person to be deemed capable of planning an energy and net zero assessment, leading an assessment team, and reviewing and approving the output of an energy and net zero assessment.

The Public Consultations for PAS 51215-1 and PAS 51215-2 will close at midnight, UK time, on 20 March 2023. Only comments submitted via the public review website will be accepted and no comments submitted after that date will be accepted.

You will need to register on the site in order to submit comments but it is free to register. If you are not already registered, please click on this link to register:

There is also a guide to using the Standard Development Portal that can be accessed here:

The Environment Agency intend to make the new PAS standards available within Phase 3 of ESOS, for those who want to include a net zero aspect, however this will be on a voluntary basis with no requirements mandatory in phase 3.

Should you still need to comply with phase 3 of ESOS, get in touch with our expert team today, on