Published: 20-11-2023

Beyondly bring COP28 to their stakeholders

With COP28 just around the corner, Beyondly are bring COP to their stakeholders, with the intent to raise awareness of important environmental issues and highlight the positive actions that people can take to reduce their own environmental impact.

COP stands for “Conference of the Parties” and COP28 is the 28th annual United Nations (UN) climate meeting where governments will discuss how to limit and prepare for future climate change. The summit is being held in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), from 30 November until 12 December 2023.

The Beyondly Sustainability Experts have organised various happenings over the course of 2 weeks, to get everyone involved, in the hope to educate and inspire more people about the importance of reducing their own environmental impact. Here’s what Beyondly have got planned:

  • Internal Mock COP debate: in groups Beyondly employees, will be asked to work together and share their views on how they would tackle some of the environmental challenges we are currently facing.
  • ‘Perfect Planet’ Art Competition: here’s your chance to get involved! Calling those aged between 4-16, we would like to see your vision of a ‘perfect planet’! Imagine a world where everything is perfect. This is open to the public and submissions can be sent to info@beyond.ly. There are prizes up for grabs and winners will be selected on the 11th December!

To top it off, the Beyondly Sustainability Team will be doing a social media takeover, taking you with them, as they bring COP28 to Beyondly. If you want to keep updated with what is going on, please follow Beyondly on Instagram (@beyondlyglobal) where they will be sharing their COP28 journey and more sustainability tips with you!

If you want further information on COP28, you can find some additional information here.

How are you getting involved? Collaboration is key to creating a better world!
