Update: EA Extends ESOS Action Plan Deadline

Updated on: 5th September 2024

The Environment Agency (EA) has announced an extension of the ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) action plan deadline until 5th March 2025. Despite the extension, organisations are encouraged to make efforts to meet the original deadline of 5th December 2024, where possible.

The decision to extend the deadline is due to ongoing delays in the launch of the extended MESOS platform. The EA has assured that more guidance and examples of the online system template will be made available by 1st November 2024, with the MESOS platform expected to be fully functional by the same date.

Please note that this is still subject to change, and we will endeavour to keep you updated on the latest developments from the EA.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about your ESOS action plan or the extended deadline, please contact our team at solutions@beyond.ly.

Are you prepared to submit your ESOS Action Plan?

5th of June 2024 is the Phase 3 deadline to achieve compliance with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). This is an extended deadline due to recent changes made to the phase 3 compliance requirements (initial deadline, 5 December 2023).

ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment for large UK organisations, which requires them to undertake energy audits and report this back to the Environment Agency. The changes made to Phase 3 of the scheme, which will apply to future phases, require organisations to consider what actions from the ESOS audit they may wish to carry out before the next ESOS assessment, as well as plan future action to implement energy savings that they will make a public commitment to.

Therefore ESOS now includes the requirement to produce an action plan, which must set out:

  • Actions you intend to take to reduce energy consumption and in what timeframe,
  • Whether the action was recommended through your ESOS assessment,
  • What energy savings you expect to achieve over the four-year period (Dec 2023 – Dec 2027) through the implementation of your action and how you estimate these savings. 

Should an organisation not wish to take any action forward to reduce their energy consumption before the next compliance date (Phase 4), they must submit a notification, which will be recorded and published, stating that they intend to take no action.

An action plan must be submitted during the 12 months following the end of the compliance period, however the action plan in relation to Phase 3, must be submitted by 5 December 2024 (Now extended to the 5th March 2024), which is within 12 months of the original compliance deadline.

Beyondly can help your organisation create your action plan following notification of ESOS compliance by:

  • Utilising information provided in ESOS reports, collate all recommendations given organised by short, medium, and long-term implementation actions.
  • Following discussion with the business, identify which actions are appropriate to incorporate into the action plan, and appropriate timescales for completion.
  • Calculations of kWh savings broken down for each action by type (buildings, transport, industrial processes).
  • Calculation of the total kWh savings over the period covered (Dec 2023-Dec 2027)
  • Provision of a spreadsheet inclusive of calculated savings, graphs, and timelines for action implementation in line with the requirements outlined below.  

If you need help with your ESOS action plan, contact our solutions team!