Author: Sean Coleman (AIEMA, AMEI)
Published: 13-09-2021

2021 Q2 WEEE data released early September

2021 Q2 WEEE data released in early September, indicates the UK is getting closer to hitting its annual target!

Producer compliance schemes have been set a target to collect a total of 503,629 tonnes of WEEE this year, a 9% increase in the target from 2020, and the latest figures suggest an encouraging current collection rate of 49%. This is despite the ongoing effects of the pandemic and restrictions felt in first half of 2021.

Data published by the Environment Agency in relation to Q2 collections shows that there were 127,667 tonnes collected between April to June this year, compared to 120,385 tonnes between January and March. The 6% increase or additional 7,282 tonnes collected in Q2 is encouraging. The 4,855 additional tonnes of small mixed WEEE (SMW- categories 2 to 10) collected in Q2 resulted in a 17% increase compared to Q1, possibly due restrictions lifting allowing for the now mandatory in-store take-back rules that came in to effect on the 1 January. Collections in other WEEE categories remain reasonably static with largest decreases in CAT1, large household appliances being noted.

Increasing SMW collections will remain a priority in the upcoming consultation on reforming the WEEE regulations as well as raising consumer awareness to diminish the unwillingness to dispose of items such as mobile phones, IT devices and other general consumer equipment, of which significant tonnage is not being recycled.

If you have any questions relating to the WEEE recycling targets, contact our team on or call 01756 794 951.