Chris’ Journey at Beyondly 

Lead Consultant - Resource Efficiency & Circularity


  • Chartered Resource and Waste Manager (CIWM)
  • BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences, MBA, MSc (Eng) Environmental Engineering

I was mentored by our Policy Leader as I had expressed an interest in this area when I joined Beyondly from 2019 until 2021.

Initially, my development goals were not set to utilise my most recent education. Instead, the aim was for me was to excel as an Environmental Data Analyst (EDA) and eventually progress to a more senior role. I was keen to find opportunities to work with the Policy Leader and support that role using my passion and education in Circular Economy, Waste and Policy perspectives and to utilise my growing data skills as an EDA.

My current role is supported by the fact that I have previously completed an apprenticeship in environmental data analysis, compliance and UK policy.