Environmental Policy
Beyondly recognises the importance of environmental protection and this policy applies to all activities undertaken by the us, adopting a life cycle approach to reducing the environmental impact of our services.
Environmental Policy
Environmental Standards: ISO 14001
We encourage all of our suppliers to adopt similar environmental best practices to us. In line with our ISO 14001 environmental management system, we are also required to communicate our significant environmental aspects to our suppliers. To read our Supplier Code of Conducts click here. We have identified these to be as follows:
- Hazardous waste disposal: We store, record, and dispose of waste through approved processors of hazardous waste.
- Disposal of waste: We segregate and record waste in the following categories; general waste, mixed paper and card, mixed metals, glass, and plastics.
- Use of electricity: Emissions from production of electricity in power plants. We monitor and set targets on our electricity consumption in our PAS 2060 carbon footprint report.
- Office maintenance: We attempt to avoid pollution or release of chemicals through implementing our environmental policy and using environmentally-friendly products where possible.
- Consultancy and auditing: Emissions from travelling to the site of a member. We ensure travel by train if feasible and minimise the number of onsite audits.
- Compliance services: Beyondly ensure that all re-processors and AATFs are approved by the Environment Agency for all Packaging, WEEE, and Batteries services. In doing so, we make sure members remain compliant with environmental legislation and minimise the risk of environmental degradation. All other areas of consultancy are completed to the standards outlined in the relevant legislation.
ISO 14001 certificate
Waste Brokers and Carriers Certificate of Registration
If you carry waste on the public highway, you must have a valid Waste Carriers Licence. This applies to any business that transports, buys, sells, or disposes of waste – or arranges for someone else to buy, sell, or dispose of waste.
Waste Brokers and Carriers Certificate
Certified B Corporation
We ensure that our business positively impacts all. In September 2022 we achieved B Corporation certification with an overall B Impact Score of 85.7. The B Corp movement works to build a network of businesses effectively balancing people, planet, and profit.
B Corp Certificate
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EcoVadis Silver Medal
In February 2024, we received the prestigious EcoVadis Silver Medal, placing us among the top 15% of companies assessed in the past 12 months.
We were evaluated against Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement criteria. We are delighted to have received an overall score of 67/100, specifically placing us in the top 8% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the ‘Other professional, scientific and technical activities’ industry, with a notable achievement of being in the top 3% for the Environment criteria. Read our full report by clicking the link below.
EcoVadis Performance Overview
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Better Business Act
We joined the Better Business Act coalition in 2022 because we believe the world needs every business at its best – creating good jobs, helping to fix pressing problems, and adding value to society. This aligns with our company vision of creating a better, fairer, sustainable world for all.
Beyondly is joining hundreds of businesses calling for a straightforward legislative solution. The campaign seeks to amend Section 172 of the Companies Act to ensure that company directors are responsible for advancing the interests of shareholders alongside those of wider society and the environment.
Our company is encouraged by the fact that the Better Business Act is a business-led campaign, driven by leaders who recognise that the law has fallen behind business culture and who have proven that this approach to business works for everyone.
We encourage other businesses to join the collation and become a supporter of the Better Business Act to help move this campaign forward. It's as simple as completing this form.
We believe that the Better Business Act is a unique opportunity to demonstrate UK leadership on the global stage – creating a competitive advantage, driving innovation, accelerating progress to Net Zero, and aligning with the Government’s ambition to build back better.
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Business Declares
We joined the fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2022. A coalition of the willing; looking to collaborate and accelerate action whilst continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths in paramount existence on our planet.
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Zero Hour
We are excited to be part of 268 well-respected signatories who support for a new law to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. Zero Hour is the campaign group behind the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (The CEE Bill).
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Race to Zero
Beyondly joined the Race to Zero in 2022, a coalition committed to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 and deliver a healthier, fairer zero-carbon world over time.
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The UK Plastics Pact
Beyondly is a proud supporter of the UK Plastics Pact, led by WRAP. The UK Plastics Pact is the first of a global network of Pacts enabled by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's New Plastics Economy initiative. It brings together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK Government and NGOs to tackle the scourge of plastic waste.
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Textiles 2030
Beyondly is proud to be a Commercial Affiliate of WRAP’s Textiles 2030. Textiles 2030 is the UK’s leading voluntary initiative supporting businesses and organisations within the fashion and textiles industry to transition to more sustainable and circular practices by the end of the decade.
As a commercial affiliate, Beyondly are committed to be a force for good in the textiles circular economy and achieve measurable impact against the targets. Within the Textiles 2030 community, we will seek opportunities to use our industry and technical knowledge to mitigate the resource, environmental and carbon impact in textile supply chains. We will engage with and guide consumers to buy, use, and dispose of clothing and textiles products in a way that support a just transition to circularity.
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